In October, customer data were stolen from Medibank Private and AHM. The stolen data included names, addresses, birthdates, Medicare numbers, policy numbers and some claims data.

To make matters worse, there were nine other large hacks during September and October, including of Optus, Uber and Microsoft, according to Computer Emergency.

So here are three steps you can take to protect yourself from criminals who use the stolen data:

  1. Look for signs of identity theft

You might not know someone is using your identity, so look for subtle signs like:

  • Unusual bills or charges
  • Texts or calls about products you’ve never used
  • Missing mail or emails
  • An increase in scam or strange emails
  • An increase in social media activity

You can also get a free credit report from the credit bureaus and check the report for unknown activity.

  1. Take action quickly
  • Report the fraud via ReportCyber
  • Report it to the ACCC’s Scamwatch
  • Contact IDCARE for help to limit the damage
  • Contact your bank to monitor your account
  • Cancel any debit or credit cards – the bank can issue new ones
  • Change all your passwords, including for your bank and social media accounts
  • Report the fraud to all the shops and websites involved (the ones you received charges or messages from)
  • Alert your family and friends – hackers often target them with urgent requests for money
  1. Be vigilant

There may be follow-up scams. So watch out for emails:

  • That provide new bank details for existing accounts
  • Offering you better investments
  • Requiring an immediate reaction
  • Informing you of prizes, rewards or inheritances

Adam Zuchowski is a disputes lawyer and principal at Sutton Laurence King Lawyers.

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